
DAMASK is developed as free and open source software. Contributions in the form of additional features or bug fixes are most welcome. Please use the Help Desk to contact the developers in case you have encountered a bug or want to suggest a new feature.

Repository Access#

The development of DAMASK is coordinated through a GitLab instance on Your approval of the Contributor Licence Agreement (CLA) is required for accessing this service. To get a DAMASK GitLab account, please send an email to with the CLA attached and provide the following additional information:

  • Your name

  • Your affiliation (have the email sent from your affiliation’s email account).

  • A first contribution in the form of a patch that shows:

    • What part, e.g. constitutive model or pre- or post-processing functionality, you want to work on.

    • What aspect, e.g. computational performance or physical description, you want to improve.

  • A statement of approving the attached CLA.


Unknown people will be marked as ‘external’ and get ‘reporter’ permission in the DAMASK group.


  1. Create a new branch with a name reflecting your intended feature/improvement.

  2. Once your changes are finalized from your end, request to merge your new branch into the development branch.

  3. Your edits will be reviewed by a development team member and merged upon their approval.

  4. After a successful test, the updated development branch is automatically merged into master.

  5. Releases are manually created from the master branch and constitute the release branch.